» The Queen of Soul  » : Aretha Franklin

I am going to speak to you in this article of one of my favorite artists: Aretha Franklin ! 

This talented American singer of Gospel, Soul-funk, Rhythm and blues and Jazz, nicknamed  » The Queen of Soul  » or still « Lady Soul » was born on March 25th, 1942.

We all heard already doubtless the magnificent version of  » Oh happy day  » (link) and we necessarily tried to dance on its resumption  » Think  » ( link) of the Blues Brothers! 

She sold 75 million records and stays the feminine artist today having sold most of all times vinyl records.
The magazine Rolling Stone places her first in the classification of the best singers of all times.

In 2009, she interprets My Country ‘ Tis of Thee, during the ceremony of the new president of the USA Barack Obama.

In 1968, Aretha Franklin is classified in second position of the Afro-American personalities the most known about the world, just behind Martin Luther King.

I think that I am going to stop there because we could write pages and pages on her.

Ce contenu a été publié dans Songs par . Mettez-le en favori avec son permalien.

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