Ace Ventura ‘s animal detective

This film, is totally crazy! I love how Jim Carrey play, how he soaks of the main character, who is really crazy, and mostly delirious!

In fact, Ace Ventura (played by Jim Carrey), want to find out who stole a daulphin. There are many sentence turn in the scene funny, like.. When he say : » If I don’t come back in 5 minutes… wait more longer! » This man is a detective,  but nobody take him seriously.. Simply because, he deals disparition of animals! But he has a mind perspicacious, and understand many things that people don’t figure out. He see what others detective can’t see. In fact, he is gifted in his speciality..

More whe forward in the story, more whe realize that he is clever.. Indeed, he succeed in discovering who stole the daulphin. (I know who do that, but I can’t tell you!)

Personnaly my favorite scene is when he act someone crazy and at the limite of the possesion or dementia.. In fact, he dressed with a tutu, and attire of hospital. His hair are not caffed. So with that rig-out he comin in psychiatric hospital to find document of someone who is important for the investigation.


2 réflexions sur « Ace Ventura ‘s animal detective »

  1. Haha I like so much this incredible actor! There is also « Ace Ventura in Africa »: this film is totally crazy too!

  2. Oh yes, totally! My favorite moment is when he exit of the rhino! If i like this actor, that’s because he has unique facial expression when he starts.

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