Harry Potter

Harry Potter is a serie of fantasy novels writing by J.K. Rowling unter 1997 and 2007. The serie has seven novels, to the first magical school year, to this ultime battle against Lord Voldemort. This story telle us the evolution of the young witch Harry at 11 to the adult at 18.

Harry has lost this parents, kill by Voldemort, and he lives with this uncle, aunt and his cousin, the Dursley. This family seems doesn’t like it, and all attention is to his cousin.
One day, Hagrid comes to the Dursley’s house to takes Harry Potter and go to the Poudlard wich school.
Quickly, he becomes friend with Ron and Hermione and the story tell us their Poudlard adventure’s.
But the murderer of Harry’s parents want to revenge against Harry and he try to come back to the world from the death.

Now Harry Potter must fight the Lord Voldemort to try to restore peace in magical world and with the moldus, person without magical power.

I really appreciate this serie of novel because we feel the character emotions and the evolution of the characters over time.
Also, we recognize into the main characters because we have feel this life period and the novel describe scene who are very similar to the reality.

Une réflexion sur « Harry Potter »

  1. I always preferred to read the J.K. Rowling’s books before watching films because
    there are more details in the books ! I remember that I cried for the death of Dumbledore, while in the film it was not the case … So you’re right, it’s very interesting to discover the character’s feelings !

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