I Am Legend

«  I Am Legend  » is a movie directed by Francis Lawrence and diffused in 2007. It’s an adaptation of a 1954 horror fiction novel  » I am Legend  » by the writer Richard Matheson and a remake of the movie  » The Omega Man  » by Boris Sagal in 1971.
The film had a lot of success and they envisage a sequel.It talk about an post apocalyptic atmosphere, in New York. Everybody is dead and had turned into mutants, because a mortal disease spreaded by a vaccine against cancer. But there is a survivor, Robert Neville, who is a doctor. He search a cure to save humans changed in mutants.The first time I’ve watched this film, for me, it was the best movie I’ve never seen ever. Since, I’ve watched this film several times, and I always found it great.I recommend this movie for everyone who like originals stories of zombies, or like Will Smith. Because yes, the character of Robert Neville is perfomed by Will Smith !

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