The Color Purple

The Color Purple is a 1982 epistolary novel by Alice Walker, in 1983 she receives Pulitzer Prize for Fiction and the National Book Award for this fiction.It was later adapted into a film of the same name, I looked there shortly. The Color Purple is a 1985 american drama film directed by Steven Spielberg.

It was filmed  in North Carolina. The movie tells about a young African American girl named Celie Harris and her little sister Nettie. After many rebounds, both sisters are separated. Celie becomes a maried woman whereas she is still young. This husband is tyrannical with her. Children at this man consider Cellie more like a slave than a mother.

This story permits to discover the condition of african women during the early 1900s, and including povertyracism, and sexism. Like The Help, it’s a movie important of Africans’s history in United States.

Personally, I recommend just be careful if you are a sensitive soul ! Someone has already saw this movie, or read the book ?





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