Paulo coelho « Veronica decides to die »

Beyond what seems to be a very dramatic and disturbing title is hiding my favorite book. I can already hear you  » Wait! What ? Your favorite book ? It sounds pretty depressing. » But trust me there is  more than meets the eyes.

This novel tells us about a young Slovenian woman who attempt suicide and wake up in a psychiatric hospital. There, the doctors tell her even though she woke up she only haa a few days left (as her heart was damaged by her attempt) but has she really ? That is a question only reading the book will answer but I can tell you that at first disapointed as she made a choice she thought she wouldn’t have to face. But then she decides to use her time left to explore this unusual environmen,t where, as for the title there is more than meets the eyes.

If you add to a very thoughtful plot the undeniable writing skills of its worldwide famous author Paulo Coehlo you end up with a mindblowing book which let your mind full of questions (a bit like a philosophy class but in a sweeter way).

By the way if some f you want (as I do) to study psychology next year I strongly advise you to read this book. Obviously it’s not an essay and the methods used are far more than unorthodoxe but the main guideline is extremely perceptive.

I also own two other of his books (« The fith Montagne » and « The Alchemist ») that I honestly haven’t read yet but I can’t wait to. What about you ? Have you ever read one of his books?


Une réflexion sur « Paulo coelho « Veronica decides to die » »

  1. Like so many people, I loved The Alchemist : I strongly recommend it .It’s a very nice tale, a legend that could also illustrates our topic « Initiatory Journey ».(but this isn’t English Literature 😉 )

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