« To be, or not to be : that is the question » : Hamlet, by W. Shakespeare

Hamlet, is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare at the end of the fifteenth century / beginning of the sixteenth century. The story takes place in the Kingdom of Denmark, and deals with the revenge of Prince Hamlet about his uncle Claudius, who killed Hamlet’s father, King Hamlet.

Two months after his death, King Hamlet’s ghost appeared in front his son, Hamlet, and tell him that he was killed by Claudius (by putting poison in his ear), now king and husband of Gertrude, King Hamlet’s widow.
Hamlet decides to take his revenge, by pretending craziness. He wants to make Claudius admit, during a play, that he killed King Hamlet, but he fails. Later, Claudius, who has doubt about Hamlet, starts mounting a conspiracy against his nephew.

Hamlet is probably one of the most famous play of Shakespeare, and of the entire world. Moreover, everybody know the famous monologue of Hamlet, holding a skull : « To be, or not to be : that is the question »

I saw this play three years ago, and, I liked it, even though I fell asleep at the end of it..

Une réflexion sur « « To be, or not to be : that is the question » : Hamlet, by W. Shakespeare »

  1. I’ve never seen this play but I really like it thanks to all those sentences which are very famous, the topic of crazyness , the death of Ophelia…

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