The Elegance of the Hedgehog

I would like to talk about one of my favourite novel. The Elegance of the Hedgehog (L’Élégance du hérisson) is a novel by French author Muriel Barbery, published in 2006 by Gallimard.

The story is about two different girls, the first one is named Renée, she is 54 years old and she is the caretaker of a building of bourgeois. She is widow, small, ugly and plump. She has onions on the feet and according to some a mammoth breath. But above all, she is so conformed of the image that we make of the caretaker and as a result it occur to anyone that she is more literate than all those rich enough. The second one is named Paloma, she is 12 and she lives in a bourgeois flat, the same that Renée. But since a long time, she knows that her final destination is the fishbowl, emptiness and absurdity of existence adult. She knows that because she is very intelligent, exceptionally intelligent. That’s why she decided to commit suicide the day of her 13 years old at the end of school year.

I have read the book and I really loved it, I recommend it and for me this book is a great success. That’s why this book has won numerous literary awards, including the Prix booksellers in 2007. I have seen also the adaptation of the novel, The Hedgehog (Le Hérisson), a french and italian film by Mona Achache released in 2009. I enjoyed this movie but I prefer the book!
I recommend to read the book and after watch the movie!

Une réflexion sur « The Elegance of the Hedgehog »

  1. I think it’s the book the more…sad I’ve ever read! But it’s true, we have to talk about sad things sometimes and what she discovers is very nice indeed.

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