Harry Potter

Hello everybody,

Today I’m going to talk about Harry Potter , it’s an English saga very famous. It’s talk about wizards who are in school calls Hogwarts and they practicise magic. There are 3 main characters thier names are Harry, Ron and Hermione. Throughout the saga we follow their adventures of their lifes everywhere. This saga is written by J.K Rowling , a famous English novelist knew for had written Harry Potter saga.  Personnally I usually read it. I recomend you Harry potter’s books so much ! Good reading to you !

Une réflexion sur « Harry Potter »

  1. I REALLY love this saga ! I read all the books and saw all the films too! I’m really mad about this ( maybe to much…) !! I don’t have a favorite volume but i like the first one which is entitled « Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone ». I don’t know a lot of people who don’t like this saga.. It is really great !!
    Do you prefer the book or the films ? 🙂

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