HUNGER GAMES – Suzanne Collins

Hunger Games ist a book by Suzanne Collins. It is a trilogy and the first volume (that I read) came out in 2008. This book was also adapted to the cinema.

This story direct a tv show which is controlled by the Capitol where twenty-four candidates are taken at random and must necessarily participate. The only rule of the Hunger Games ? Survive absolutely ! The main character, Katniss Everdeen, who was already confronted with the death, decide to take the place of her sister in this sordid game… For Katniss, survive is like a second nature…

I liked a lot this first volume because we can’t stop reading it. It is very fascinating ! Usually I don’t like a lot the science fiction but Hunger Games denounces the dictatorship with a incredible way. I recommend it ! And I think that I will read the other volumes soon.

2 réflexions sur « HUNGER GAMES – Suzanne Collins »

  1. I have seen the film adaptation and i’m thinking it’s a Best-seller ! I love it really, the trilogy is very gripping ! Perfect !

  2. I have read the three books and also a parody this was nice you always want to know more. Honestly i was really disapoint by the movie, the vision we have of katniss in the book is, to me not the same that we have in movies (but maybe the last will raise the level of previous)

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