the 100

It’s a novel, with three volumes, writes by Kass Morgan and published in 2013. This novel was adapted in series, with only (at the moment) 2 seasons. It’s a science-fiction novel.

During an atomic war on the Earth, 4000 people protected themselves on a big space station called  » The Arc « . The Arc helped the people to survive during 100 years, and people of the Arc were called « sky people », they created their own justice which is not a justice, even if everybody aggred with it. But one day there was a lack of oxygen. The 100 prisoners of the Arc were chosen to go to visit the Earth, to know if there is a possible life. All the prisoners wear a watch connected to the Arc, if one of them dies, the Arc knows it. Are they going all to survive? If yes, how? Will they be alone on the Earth?

« I was born in space, I never felt the sun on my face or breathed the real air »

9 réflexions sur « the 100 »

  1. I’ve never read the books but the series is one of my favorite ever. It is really well done and I love the cast. The story is so great, I especially love post apocalyptic science-fiction movies/tv shows !

  2. Well as you know I am huge fan of the show. I didn’t read the books but I really should because waiting one year to see a new season sucks. By the way long live Clexa !

  3. It’s seems to be interesting and really cool although I’ve never read the books or watched the serie. Also it’s been a while since I’ve considered to start the serie but I don’t have any time :((((

  4. I think I may start reading it because EVERYONE is talking about it right now ! And it seems like a cool story

  5. I also read this book thanks to the series, I am a fan! I look forward to the rest of the story, this is one of my favorite book ever ! 🙂

  6. Hello, I have discovered this show one year ago and I loved it ! Thanks to you I am going to buy the book as fast as I can 🙂

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