

It’s Halloween week and I wanted to speak about one of my favorite monster of this season : Vampires !

  Vampires have an important place inside the pop culture, they are shemering, captivating, terrifying and very interesting. 

 Poeple have developed a kind of fascination for vampire because this myth is really mysterious. We don’t know when this myth began but he was made famous in Europe in 1725 during a war opposing the Austrian Empire and the Ottoman Empire, two austrian soldiers named Amold Paole and Peter Plogojowitz must have come back after their death in vampire to haunt the villages of Medvegia and Kisiljevo.

The most popular vampire is that of Bram Stoker’s epistolary novel called : Dracula

This Gothic novel went of 1897 and it’s written by Bram Stoker.

The story is about Jonathan Haker a young notary which is sent in Transylvania to meet a new affluent customer. This customer is a new owner of an area in London. Jonathan discovers a country really mysterious and the residents warms the notary against a dangerous man named Dracula. 

Jonathan is received by this Dracula wich proves that he be a gracious host, but after a moment Jonathan is going to see that his mail is monitored and his doors closed behind him.This earl is simply a dangerous vampire who empty their victims of their blood, a vampire who has no reflect and a vampire who is going to haunt the London’s streets.

2 réflexions sur « Dracula »

  1. I’m so aggree with you ! Dracula is my favourite vampire not like Edward…You know what I mean ? ha ha ha

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