Oliver Twist


Today I will talk about Oliver Twist. This is the second novel by Charles Dickens after The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club and published in 1837. This book is based on an autobiographical story published a few years ago.

The story tale place in England in the nineteenth century. In this novel, it’s about Oliver Twist, a young orphan raised in a workhouse, where he and other orphans are treated very bad. One day, after being nominated by his comrades, Oliver request an additional portion of oatmeal, because they are very hungry. Following this act, Oliver is placed with an undertaker to work, as punishment. Oliver decides to escape from this place and bound for London. He meets Jack in a street, je is at the head of a gang of pickpockets. He takes her to his boss, Fagin …

I enjoyed this novel, in fact I think it deals with realistic and touching way the living conditions of poor people and especially orphans during the Victorian era.

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