Rage – Stephen King

Rage is a novel of Stephen King, written as Richard Bachman, published in 1977.

Charles Decker is a sixteen years old student student and one day he is called at his school’s principal’s office because Charles hurt one of his teachers two months ago. Charles provokes the principal. Before going back in class, Charles takes a gun in is locker and kills his mathematic teacher. After doing that, he takes his class hostage all day long. The police and a psychologist arrive at the scene and Charles began to do a sort of psychotherapy with his classmates, speaking first of his past, his father… Then he begin to ask questions to the others, who start to taking the game.
There is just Ted Jones, the beautiful quarterback of the class, who don’t enter in Decker’s game, and Charles harass him with questions and finish to make Ted crack.
Charles humiliate the authorities who try to negociate with him, without a real success…

This novel is a little bit disappointed because it’s too long and I think a short story could have been enough, but it stay a very good thrilling story. This book made me wonder, will it makes you wonder too ?

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