favourite book

UN SECRET, Philippe Grimbert .

I would tell you about one of my favorite french book .

First , this book is an autobiography about Philippe Grimbert , writing in 2004 , the 5 of may .

This book tells about the story of one jude boy  , Philippe . He is small and sickly

Let me speak about the story .

he narrator is Philippe Grimbert. The story takes place in the 1950s.

Surrounded by silence, bending under a guilty family , the narrator feels like this : he  need to tell a past he imagines. quiet until Louise, old friend of his parents and confidante of the child, come all to a sudden reveal a heavy, disturbing secret.

It invented brother, Simon, actually existed and died in a concentration camp with his mother, Hannah, the first wife of Maxime. Suddenly the whole weight of this dark and hidden past will arise and disrupt the representation of the world that had forged the child.

Now , I let you think about the development of the story …

Of course , you can read the book or watch the movie …

3 réflexions sur « favourite book »

  1. I have watched the film and read the book many times. This story is very touching and makes us feel both concerned and inconfortable. The worst is that it is a real story, I can’t find words to describe the atmosphere, it’s so oppressive and intense… I can’t believe that it really happened …

  2. Yes , it’s a very good Novel , and in the movie , the role of Philippe played by Patrick Bruel is very interested !

  3. Like Othilie I have watched the film and read the book when I was in 3ème so a long time ago 🙂 . I loved the book but I found the film quite special, it is very slow and for me quite boring. But I recommend the book ! 😉

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