The Frozen dead, Bernard Minier

This time, I have chosen to talks about a book written by a French author: Bernard Minier. This novel is entitled The Frozen Dead (the original title is Glacé but it was translated into English.) and it’s a crime novel. The scene is set on the Pyrenees (throughout the story there are precise descriptions because the author was born in Pyrenees). One day, workers found a headless horse on their workplace (a hydropower plant). Normally it doesn’t need a police investigation but this worse (and this plant) belonged to a very rich and famous person so the police supposed that it was to openly attack this person. Then there are two murders, all of these crimes are linked but how? The police commandant named Servaz has to solve this strange case …

The first thing which attracted me was the front cover. Indeed it perfectly represents the title, thanks to the snowflakes. Moreover the blurb was mysterious and attractive. Honestly, it was a pleasant novel and there was a lot of suspense but I personally found the murderer before the final revelation. However, throughout the story there are many false tracks so the reader has a lot of suspects and is not able to find the murderer before the middle of the book. All of the characters have hidden secrets and we found out these secrets little by little: it adds suspense and excitation.

you have already heard about this novel? Or read it?

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