The Prestige – Christopher Nolan

« – Do you have anything to say ?

 – Abracadabra. »

You know that I really loooooooove stories with suspense and the psychological thriller, that’s why today I decided to speak about the movie « The Prestige«  directed by Christopher Nolan (and his brother, too). It was released in 2006 and inspired by Christopher Priest’s novel written in 1995. If you like magic, this movie is for you… But just a thing : in magic, the illusion is everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

« The sacrifice, Robert, here is the price of a good magic trick… But it is an unknown notion for you. »

London, at the beginning of the last century… Robert Angier and Alfred Borden are two magicians who are destined for a glorious future. However, a rivalry appears between both friends because of the fatal accident of Angier’s woman. Both enemies aim at destroying themselves by using the darkest secret of their art… This obsession will have dramatic consequences on their circle of acquaintances.

Every great magic trick have three parts or acts. The first part is called « The Pledge » : the magician shows you something ordinary : a deck of cards, a bird or a man. He shows you this object. Maybe he asks you to inspect it to see if it is real or normal, but of course…it probably isn’t. The second act is called « The Turn » : the magician turns the ordinary thing into extraordinary. And now you want the secret, but you don’t really try to find it. The final stage of the illusion, « The Prestige », is the part of the magic trick where the unforeseen occurs.

I’m not going to repeat I like this kind of movie but… The Prestige is… a real masterpiece ! The actors are just incredible and the illusion is… waouh, perfect ! I have nothing to say aside from that this is necessary to see it ! 😉

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