Escape from Alcatraz

« Escape from Alcatraz » is a film directed by Don Siegel and released  in 1979. This film was inspired from a true story.

This film takes place in the famous prison of San Francisco « Alcatraz » in 1962. A new prisoner, Franck Morris who just arrived from an other prison in Atlanta, joins the prison « Alcatraz » with the reputation that nobody had never succeeded to escape from it. Frank Morris was a shoplifter and an ex-murderer, but he had the particularity to have an extraordinary I.Q. , that makes him a very smart person. He, with three of his new friends John Anglin, Clarence Anglin and Allan West), try to escape from Alcatraz to regain freedom and to become the first people who had succeeded to escape from this prison.

I suggest this film, because it ( in parallel with the story ) shows the life of the american prisonners in this time, and their occupation ( How the organisation of the prison try to put them back in the back way ). The film shows also how the different character survive in this environment, that we can compare to a jungle, with very dangerous people and very strong rules. The director shows to us a very negative vision about the life in community in prison.

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