12 Angry Men

12 Angry Men is a film directed by Sidney Lumet and release in cinemas in 1957.

This film talk about the legitimacy of the death penalty. In USA at these times, the death penalty were attribuated to a sentenced by an assembly wich was composed of 12 men. These men had to decide the fate of the sentenced. For condemn to death, all the men must to approve the same decision : keep him alive or kill him. In this film, 11 men are agree to kill the sentenced, but 1 of them are not. During the film, he trys to convince the 11 other men to not kill the sentenced, because he think that he is innocent. To achieve this, he used of diffenrents arguments, proofs and witnesses.

I have very like this film because its talk about the injustices in the american society. The message of this story is to never give up and to never change our beliefe. This film is considerated like a classic of the american cinema.

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