The Amazing Spider-Man 2

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is the second film of the new story of Spider-Man and the fifth of the studio Colombia Pictures who speaks about this hero.

Spider-Man is an hero who was created by Marvel Comics

The movie went out in 2014 and was realized by Marc Webb.

In that movie Peter Parker ( Spider-Man ) has graduate. His life is very chaotic and he spend his time has to fight the evil in New York and sees little Gwen his girlfriend because he was haunted by the memory of his dead father. But one of his old friends Harry Osborn is back at New York. His father is died and herited from his company.

Between stories with Gwen Stacy, a new monster Max and his friend Harry, Peter is going to discover the reason of the disappearance of his parents.

This movie is magnificent, the effects are very good and fall (double sense) is very sad.

Clearly this film is amazing !

3 réflexions sur « The Amazing Spider-Man 2 »

  1. Actually,everybody is talking about this film, I think that I should go see it<. (By the way, I just learned that Dane DeeHan plays Harry Osborn so it's another reason to see it :p )

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