Song’s about Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

If you are a music lover, you probably know the adaptations of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde in the popular song. Serge Gainsbourg was the first artist to talk about Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde in a song  in 1966. Two years later The Who wrote a song inspired by the novel. Since 1968, many artists have composed  songs inspired by the novel as Renaud or the BB Brunes. To conclude, we can say that this novel is well known, even in the music industry …

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4 réflexions sur « Song’s about Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde »

  1. I wanted to write an article about this song… but I think it’s too late ! It’s a great song, Gainsbourg was wonderful !

  2. I find extraordinary that many artists of different nationalities and from different years think a song about the same subject: Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.

  3. I didn’t know that the artists as BB Brunes had take this novel to make a song… it’s a real discovery… I like the Gainsbourg’s song, it’s amazing

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