Jean Albany by Fanny

Jean Alabany is a poet from Reunion Island who  was born on 4th december of 1917 in St Denis. He died in Paris on 26th october of 1984. He buried at Saline- les Hauts.jean albany

Jean Albany wrote a lot of poems about his island. He is famous everywhere especially in our Island.





Many schools here are called “Ecole Jean Albany”.”college jena albany

Bambolé association”, is in charge of Anne Sadala ,makes known his poems and his songs all around the island.
Some Examples of his works are:

Zamal (1951)
• Vavangue (1972)
• Miel vert (1966)
• Bleu mascarin (1969)
• Manapany
• Bonbon coco
• Vien 14 juillet
• Mon p’tit caf café

Gerschwitz Fanny 🙂

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