novembre, 2016

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The 2016 Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade

The 2016 Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade.

Let’s learn more about articles in English.

Have a look at the video and ENJOY!!!

Questions with past simple tense:

Questions with past simple tense:

EASY but it HELPS to remember some irregular verbs. TRY and you will see….it WORKS!

Past simple song.

Sing in English and learn more about past simple tense.

Discover Mr Morton’s day.

Grammar lesson about PAST SIMPLE TENSE

Turkey recipe for Thanksgiving

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Preparation Time : 12 hours minimum

Ingredients for turkey :

-A Turkey

-115 grams of butter


-500 grams of salt

-2 carrots

-1 onion

-2 sprigs of celery

-1 bay leaf



Preparation :

-The evening before,  wash the turkey and collect the offal

-Rub the turkey with salt

-Lace the turkey in a container large enough for it to be covered

-Cover with water

-Add, if desired, black pepper, or brown sugar, og thyme and rosemary

-Refrigerate overnight

-The next day, remove the turkey from its container

-Wash thoroughly

-Let it dry before continuing the recipe

-Preheat the oven to 175 degrees C (350 degrees F )

-Put the turkey in its baking dish, chest down

-Melt half the butter and brush the turkey with

-Stuff turkey with stuffing





Top attractions in Wisconsin

Wisconsin is a state of aventures, thinkers, farmers

What can you do ?

You can visit the Oshkosh parks family, climb aboard and sailing in the boat, play on the playground in Rainbow park, Buanan park and Stevens park, taking a walk along the parks in Akan Acres Park or Sawyer Creek Nature Preserue. During the winter you can go sledding hills Westhawen Circle Park or Red arrow park.

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Statue of Liberty 

Visitors go here by ferry to see the Statue of Liberty. Liberty was the first thing immigrants saw when they arrived in the New York harbour. France gave the Statue to American in 1886 as a sign of friendship . It is 93 metres high and has 168 steps inside


One World Trade Center 

This new skyscraper was built to commemorate the twin towers which were destroyed by terrorist attacks . The next super tower , called One WTC , is taller than any building in America on Europe . 


New York jobs 

In New York , you can be a Police officier : there are 34500 police officers .

You can be  a dog walker.index

  Dog walkers are often artists or students . They are not supposed to talk on their phones on listen to music when working … they must give all their time to the dogs.

Some dog walkers earn $ 4000 a month walking 70 different dogs every week . 

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Tikok Vellaye,November 19th 2016

This saturday I went to the Concert of TIKOK VELAYE


who is a maloya and séga singer of  Reunion Island .

His new album is  called « Lès Pa Nou Kozé « that means:  » we are not allowed to speak »


 It was released in January 2016

It was very great ! I could meet  different guests and  I benefited much!!!!!


This is one of his song  called « Maloya léné »

Almond milk pancakes, topped with blackberries compote

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Ingredients for pancakes :

-1/4 cup flour

-1 cup vanilla or regular almond milk

-1 tablespoon sugar

-1 teaspoon baking powder

-2 eggs

-1 tablespoon vegetables oil.


Ingredients for blackberries compote :

-3 cups fresh or frozen blackberries

-1/4 cup orange juice

-A few drops of almond extract

-2 tablespoons sugar


Preparation :

In large bowl, combine eggs and almond milk. Mix with electric mixer until dough is smooth. Let mixture stand at least one hour in the refrigerator. Meanwhile, in a small saucepan, combine orange juice, almond extract ans sugar. Reduce sightly over medium heat. Add blackberries and cook for 5 minutes. Let cool. Cook the pancakes one by one, in a lightly buttered pan. Top with vanilla yogurt and a good spoonful of blackberries compote.