dimanche, novembre 20th, 2016

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Almond milk pancakes, topped with blackberries compote

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Ingredients for pancakes :

-1/4 cup flour

-1 cup vanilla or regular almond milk

-1 tablespoon sugar

-1 teaspoon baking powder

-2 eggs

-1 tablespoon vegetables oil.


Ingredients for blackberries compote :

-3 cups fresh or frozen blackberries

-1/4 cup orange juice

-A few drops of almond extract

-2 tablespoons sugar


Preparation :

In large bowl, combine eggs and almond milk. Mix with electric mixer until dough is smooth. Let mixture stand at least one hour in the refrigerator. Meanwhile, in a small saucepan, combine orange juice, almond extract ans sugar. Reduce sightly over medium heat. Add blackberries and cook for 5 minutes. Let cool. Cook the pancakes one by one, in a lightly buttered pan. Top with vanilla yogurt and a good spoonful of blackberries compote.



Rihanna is a famous R&B American singer, who was born on  20th of February 1988 in Barbados.

She began her career when she was 15, she is compared to Beyonce but she has an unique style: provocative and sexy.

She performs 8 albums and the last one is called Anti. Her musical influences are reggae and dancehall.

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