Turkey recipe for Thanksgiving

Résultats de recherche d'images pour « dinde de noel »

Preparation Time : 12 hours minimum

Ingredients for turkey :

-A Turkey

-115 grams of butter


-500 grams of salt

-2 carrots

-1 onion

-2 sprigs of celery

-1 bay leaf



Preparation :

-The evening before,  wash the turkey and collect the offal

-Rub the turkey with salt

-Lace the turkey in a container large enough for it to be covered

-Cover with water

-Add, if desired, black pepper, or brown sugar, og thyme and rosemary

-Refrigerate overnight

-The next day, remove the turkey from its container

-Wash thoroughly

-Let it dry before continuing the recipe

-Preheat the oven to 175 degrees C (350 degrees F )

-Put the turkey in its baking dish, chest down


-Melt half the butter and brush the turkey with

-Stuff turkey with stuffing





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