vendredi, décembre 2nd, 2016

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Barack Obama

         Barack Hussein Obama, was born on August 4,1961 in Honolulu (Hawai)  an American state. He was the 44th and current president of the United-States, elected for a first term on November 4,2008 and ruled for a second term on November 6,2012.


          He was  Born of a black Kenyan and white American of  Kansas.

At ,4 years his parents divorced and his mother had to find a new companion  called Lolo Soetoro.

In 1967,Barack Obama left Hawai and the United-States and he went to Indonésia in Djarkarta.

At 10 years old,he went back to Hawai with his two grand-parents who lived in a tower.

Barack Obama became a basketball fan at 18 years old.

He was nickmamed Barry Obomber.

On november 4,2008, Barack Obama was elected president of the United-States of America. He was the first black president in the United-States.

Now the 45TH president is Donald TRUMP.




1-Mister Thoms from his real name Diego Della Posta  is an Italian street artist; In his work ‘Like a vision’ he denounces the addiction to the social networks and more particularly to Facebook and the system of « like ». Internet users are obsessed with this social network and are prisoners of it. His work was made in Ferentino.


Introducing to Alicia, our new American assistant

Her name is Alicia, she is 23 years old.

alicia 1


She lives in  Wisconsin, where she was born in 1993.

wisconsin 1

university 3

She has got two sisters: one big sister and one little sister.

She usually practices sport, she enjoys watching movies and  working.

american football

She likes  people from Réunion island because they are friendly and they love music.

She usually eats Mexican, tacos,  potatoes and she likes speciality Reunion food; like sausages rougail.

American Football

Origin of the game

The super bowl was in 1966 when two american professional football leagues decided to merge.

The new league wanted a cool name for its final game and began calling it « Super ».

The word « Bowl » was used because football stadiums are shaped like a bowl. So it became the « Super Bowl ».

American football

I do three to four hours of sport every day. My favorite sport is American football. After training for one hour in the morning, I train again after school, from 2.45 to 5.30 pm.I play as number 16 for the team.Joe MontanaJOE MONTANA.

American football is America’s national sport.

Last year, more than 111 million people watched the final game of the season, the super bowl: that’s a television record in the USA.

The game is so popular that people celebrate it like a national holiday.

People who don’t like American football also watch the game.

Aller à un match de football américain à Miami : Go Dolphins !