Barack Obama

         Barack Hussein Obama, was born on August 4,1961 in Honolulu (Hawai)  an American state. He was the 44th and current president of the United-States, elected for a first term on November 4,2008 and ruled for a second term on November 6,2012.


          He was  Born of a black Kenyan and white American of  Kansas.

At ,4 years his parents divorced and his mother had to find a new companion  called Lolo Soetoro.

In 1967,Barack Obama left Hawai and the United-States and he went to Indonésia in Djarkarta.

At 10 years old,he went back to Hawai with his two grand-parents who lived in a tower.

Barack Obama became a basketball fan at 18 years old.

He was nickmamed Barry Obomber.

On november 4,2008, Barack Obama was elected president of the United-States of America. He was the first black president in the United-States.

Now the 45TH president is Donald TRUMP.


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