Guitar lessons at my school !

         Is there a college that offers guitar lessons outside the music class?

Yes there is . Indeed  « Collège Terrain Fleury » proposes this year to his pupils to play the guitar. Every Monday around 12:15 the students  join the teacher : Mr. Hartmann. There are only 9 students (3 girls and 6 boys). We learn the chords then cheeks in 2 songs for the moment and we can  choose a song too  :

  • « Je te promets » by ZAHO
  • « J’ai demandé à la lune » by INDOCHINE
  • « Let her go » by PASSENGER (song to choose)

Résultats de recherche d'images pour « guitare classique »Résultats de recherche d'images pour « note de musique guitare classique »

We play the guitar, we sing, we laugh.  Learning  while having fun is just perfect!


My last year in this college, I will finish with some notes of guitar, some notes of happiness.

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