Have you ever been in the skin of a person with scoliosis ?

I have already been in the skin of a person with this disease and I am still.  

You know at least what is a scoliosis ? No, you did not know. Then here is a scoliosis: it is a deviation of the vertebral column. It mostly occurs in childhood and adolescence .

Résultats de recherche d'images pour « scoliose »Résultats de recherche d'images pour « scoliose corset jour et nuit »

The daily life then becomes a little more complicated. I wore a corset for a whole year.

At the college there were pupils who insulted me, mocked me, jostled me. I did not ask to have this disease. So why do they treat me like that? It is my belief that any person (adult or child) forges opinions on others because of their physical or mental illness. This should not no longer happen but unfortunately in the world today it is a thing that is more present than you think

As long as the family, they are constantly « on my back » if one can say this as his. They just want to protect me but too many want to protect me they forget what I want. I know however that it is hard for parents to learn that their child has health problems (be it a scoliosis or other disease such as cancer for example) We can not prohibit them from worrying about their child.


Today I continue to follow my treatment (kinesitherapy session) and to see the doctors and surgeons. I refuse the operation because I am well in my body despite the bump in my back, a shoulder higher than the other and any other physical defect. This disease helped me to be stronger. Always people who swear to me about my illness I keep advancing. I am proud of is that I am

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