décembre, 2016

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Where are you from? learn more about the countries and SING! SING! SING THIS SONG!

In front of behind between SONG

Keep on learning English with songs!

English for kids: place prepositions

Sing and learn place prepositions.

Andy Goldsworthy

Andy Goldsworthy is an British artist. He was born in Cheshire, on 26 july 1956. He is one of the main artists of the Land Art. He uses the natural objects for this creation.

Résultats de recherche d'images pour « feuilles d'érable de andy goldsworthy »
Maple leaves, Japan.



          Have you ever been in the skin of a person with scoliosis ?

I have already been in the skin of a person with this disease and I am still.  

You know at least what is a scoliosis ? No, you did not know. Then here is a scoliosis: it is a deviation of the vertebral column. It mostly occurs in childhood and adolescence .

Résultats de recherche d'images pour « scoliose »Résultats de recherche d'images pour « scoliose corset jour et nuit »

The daily life then becomes a little more complicated. I wore a corset for a whole year.

At the college there were pupils who insulted me, mocked me, jostled me. I did not ask to have this disease. So why do they treat me like that? It is my belief that any person (adult or child) forges opinions on others because of their physical or mental illness. This should not no longer happen but unfortunately in the world today it is a thing that is more present than you think

As long as the family, they are constantly « on my back » if one can say this as his. They just want to protect me but too many want to protect me they forget what I want. I know however that it is hard for parents to learn that their child has health problems (be it a scoliosis or other disease such as cancer for example) We can not prohibit them from worrying about their child.


Today I continue to follow my treatment (kinesitherapy session) and to see the doctors and surgeons. I refuse the operation because I am well in my body despite the bump in my back, a shoulder higher than the other and any other physical defect. This disease helped me to be stronger. Always people who swear to me about my illness I keep advancing. I am proud of is that I am

Guitar lessons at my school !

         Is there a college that offers guitar lessons outside the music class?

Yes there is . Indeed  « Collège Terrain Fleury » proposes this year to his pupils to play the guitar. Every Monday around 12:15 the students  join the teacher : Mr. Hartmann. There are only 9 students (3 girls and 6 boys). We learn the chords then cheeks in 2 songs for the moment and we can  choose a song too  :

  • « Je te promets » by ZAHO
  • « J’ai demandé à la lune » by INDOCHINE
  • « Let her go » by PASSENGER (song to choose)

Résultats de recherche d'images pour « guitare classique »Résultats de recherche d'images pour « note de musique guitare classique »

We play the guitar, we sing, we laugh.  Learning  while having fun is just perfect!


My last year in this college, I will finish with some notes of guitar, some notes of happiness.

Street Art

Artist: Julian Beever

Julian Beever is known all over the world for his pavement drawings, more especially his 3D illusions, drawn in a special distortion to create an impression of 3D when seen from one particular viewpoint.

I like  this drawing very much.

Time square in time square

Résultats de recherche d'images pour « julian beever time square »

Résultats de recherche d'images pour « julian beever time square »

Julian Beever

Barack Obama

         Barack Hussein Obama, was born on August 4,1961 in Honolulu (Hawai)  an American state. He was the 44th and current president of the United-States, elected for a first term on November 4,2008 and ruled for a second term on November 6,2012.


          He was  Born of a black Kenyan and white American of  Kansas.

At ,4 years his parents divorced and his mother had to find a new companion  called Lolo Soetoro.

In 1967,Barack Obama left Hawai and the United-States and he went to Indonésia in Djarkarta.

At 10 years old,he went back to Hawai with his two grand-parents who lived in a tower.

Barack Obama became a basketball fan at 18 years old.

He was nickmamed Barry Obomber.

On november 4,2008, Barack Obama was elected president of the United-States of America. He was the first black president in the United-States.

Now the 45TH president is Donald TRUMP.




1-Mister Thoms from his real name Diego Della Posta  is an Italian street artist; In his work ‘Like a vision’ he denounces the addiction to the social networks and more particularly to Facebook and the system of « like ». Internet users are obsessed with this social network and are prisoners of it. His work was made in Ferentino.


Introducing to Alicia, our new American assistant

Her name is Alicia, she is 23 years old.

alicia 1


She lives in  Wisconsin, where she was born in 1993.

wisconsin 1

university 3

She has got two sisters: one big sister and one little sister.

She usually practices sport, she enjoys watching movies and  working.

american football

She likes  people from Réunion island because they are friendly and they love music.

She usually eats Mexican, tacos,  potatoes and she likes speciality Reunion food; like sausages rougail.