And why not ?

         For a while, I could not find a theme for my articles. But not long ago I read a book « Les Ailes d’Alexanne ».  This book made me think a lot about reincarnation. Then I thought that reincarnation could be an interesting topic. My purpose in this article is not to tell you that this phenomenon exists.
nor even to say it does not exist. For I myself do not know if this is true.So I leave you to decide your beliefs and wish you a good reading

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To begin with, what is reincarnation? The reincarnation is a process of survival after death.

We all know this feeling of knowing someone we have just met ,feeling of already seen , of already lived. Reincarnation might explain this.

Maybe we have the impression of knowing an unknown because we knew it in another world.  Maybe we love our loved ones because they helped us in another world. Maybe we do not like some people because they have harmed us in another universe. Maybe we are suffering today because in the past we have done evil around us.


There are only assumptions.

« Believe or not believe? » that is the question

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