Young and yet very mature

            Many people think that we, young people are very little mature. However many young teenagers are committed to just causes. Indeed a teenager can be even more sensitive, more mature than an adult.

Here is the proof:


  •       Emily Duffy:

Originally from Ireland, Emily Duffy, aged 15, invents sleeping bags for the homeless. Today his project is being used on the streets of Dublin. This girl is committed to the most needy.

  •  Malala Yousafzai:

    Malala is now 19 years old. From an early age she fights for the education of girls in Pakistan.She receives numerous awards(Such as the Nobel Peace Prize)

  •  Kids United:

    It is a group of singer formed of 5 adolescent: Gloria, Nilusy, Erza, Esteban and Gabriel
    They pledge for UNICEF, to help children



    Provided that all young people do good around them

    Because youth is the future of the world.

    Because young people are the hope of a new world, a world of peace

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