avril, 2017

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Et si on chantait en signes?!

Regarde la vidéo et apprends de ce chant-signe avec Noémie, qui est sourde.

Elle me dit….

Quelques notions de LSF (langue des signes française)

Pour réviser ou apprendre l’alphabet.

Entraîne-toi sur la vidéo.

Discover our super heroes!

My holidays in Rodrigues

During my holidays (March) I didn’t stay at home because I went to Rodrigues with my family ( autonomous outer island of the Republic of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean ). I slept in a Guest House in Saint François ( South East ). I walked and I went to the beach everyday. Sometimes I took a bus to visit many place. Saturday I took a plane to Mauritius and I stayed four days in Blue Bay. I like this holidays very much with my family.

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Anse bouteille


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Port Mathurin

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The passive voice: what is it?

Prepositions of place

Try to learn your lesson alone!

It’s easy!!!

Sing along!

The petrel

                                The "Nights without lights" are an environmental operation
                             organized every year in April in La Réunion. They consisted 
                             of reducing public lighting throughout the island in order 
                             to reduce light pollution and to avoid the stranding of 
                             Barau petrels, endemic sea birds which then take off. 
                             Launched in 2009, the Nights Without Light, which are 
                             driven by the Réunion National Park, cover an extended 
                             period of ten nights.

                                Like many seabirds, petrels can be affected by marine 
                             pollution and the ingestion of plastic pieces. Their 
                             chicks are very vulnerable to light pollution. On the first
                             flight outside the nest, they are attracted by public or 
                             private lighting, and then no longer have enough strength 
                             to reach the sea. A solution to this problem with regard to 
                             public lighting is to extinguish Public lighting and sports 
                             during the flight periods of young birds (5 to 10 days per 
                             year depending on the place). Scientists in Reunion Island 
                             have specified the critical dates (dates of flight of the 
                             chicks) and a process called "Horloge à petrels" has been 
                             developed to do so in Reunion. 

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Easter is an important christian festival and holiday which celebrates  Jesus Christ’s resurrection after his crucifixion. This year, Easter is on April 16th. Many people decorate eggs.

These can be hard boiled eggs that can be eaten later, eggs made of chocolate, candy or other materials. Then, people make eggs hunts: parents hide easter eggs in their garden for their children. They believe it’s a rabbit or a bell hiding the eggs. They search for them and put them in their basket.

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Happy easter everyone!!! Don’t eat too much chocolate!!!

What can you do?

The silence: a solution?


   There are several ways of expressing oneself. The simplest is to speak. However some do not manage to talk about how they feel .Then they create works (painting, drawing ect) or are silent.  But is it really a good idea to shut up?


Indeed, many people expressed through silence. This is probably the only way they found to express their emotion. Silence is often a sign of sadness, pain and other negative feelings. Many people use it but few understand it. Then suffering grows in this misunderstood person. She suffers more and has dark ideas ect … This is not a good solution to keep everything for yourself.

Everyone must find his way of expressing his emotions. Whether by talking, drawing, singing, dancing, writing ,ect …