mardi, mai 16th, 2017

now browsing by day


13 reasons why

        Not long ago, I looked at a series proposed by my comrades and I have heard it spoken.This series was inspired by a book, 13 reasons by  Jay Asher. This serie concerns a young girl, Hanna .

Hanna Was a victim of harassment, criticism of the violation of privacy and I would not say. Result of the races she committed suicide.

 But before ending her days, she recorded 13 cassettes.

Image associée  >Hannah Baker<

       Each cassette corresponds to one person – with the exception  of one who owns. A cassette represents, her   suicide eve.

.Her cassettes rotated between a group of young people on the tapes. Clay is present on these tapes, he is the main character. it is him that is shown when listening to the cassettes of each .

Image associée>Cley Jensen<

             This serie is obviously and unfortunately, is inspired by everyday life.


The series has the merit of putting in the center of its intrigue a scourge of which one speaks too little.

I advise you to watch this series and especially to pay attention around you, you reader.

Fast and Furious 8, The new reccord !

There are things called « phenomena » and then there’s the Fast & Furious saga. One would almost be tempted to invent a unique term for her has her film experience in film.


This new segment hit a new audience record as of its release on April 14, 2017. More than $ 532 million in 
just five days. An impressive record despite its somewhatdisappointing debut in the United States where the
film remains behind Fast & Furious 7. It's better than Star Wars VII that held the previous record with $ 529
million raised in the first week of operation.
In France
In France, Fast & Furious 8 has the biggest start of 2017 for the day of its release, with 312,000 admissions. 
It is behind the 436,000 entries in episode 7 and the 316,000 in episode 6.






The best French team less than 25 years old

I introduce you the French team that is for me the best team less than 25 years old beacause they are talented and they are gained of experience . For me this team can win the world cup 2018 in Russia . We can see that all players cost at least 15 millions of euros which means that all players are good.
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The rap is a shape of vocal expression , one of the five pillars of the cultural and musical movement hip-hop, having emerged in the middle of 1970 in ghettos in the United States . The rap word is composed of three letters R A P which refer in rythm  and poetry . But the rap word also comes from the English verb to rap which means speaking persuading , jabbering . Many themes are approached on the rap such as : the street ( many  rappers  began the rap being very poor and deprived and now became of very big stars
Rap has allowed a lot to go out of the poverty,Injustice ,  drug , school (Our real-life experience) , love , his person , …
Some rap contain many insults or even bad subjects to the women
The rap does not please to everybody but pleases especially the young people nowadays
example rapper :

Bigflo&oli : rapper french                                                                          booba : rapper french
Résultats de recherche d'images pour « bigflo et oli fond »Résultats de recherche d'images pour « booba »
Résultats de recherche d'images pour « 50cent »


Résultats de recherche d'images pour « snoop dogg »                                                  Snoop dogg : rapper americain

50 cent : rapper americain

But healso exists woman who rappes :

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "sianna rappeuse"
                                                                                      Sianna : rapper french

The society of consumption

Nous vivons dans un monde dans lequel la société est obsède par la consommation ce qui n’est pas sans conséquence

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Une societe de consommation une société au sein de laquelle les consommateurs sont incités à consommer des biens et services de manière abondante.

Depuis notre plus jeune age nous sommes sous l’influence de la société qui nous poussent à consommer de manière excessive notamment par le biais des pubs qui sont souvent mensongères des pubs qui n’hésitent pas à exagérer pour donner envie au public .

    Résultats de recherche d'images pour « société de consommation »

En effet le plaisir de consommer n’est pas sans conséquence devenir une addiction il nous faudra toujours plus pour nous satisfaire cela sera psychologique car l’on sera constamment berner et incité a consommer toujours plus.

Résultats de recherche d'images pour « société de consommation »En conséquence la société de consommation dicte nos choix et nous sommes aveugler par tous ce mensonge car cela nous fait plaisir nous vivons dans une « dictature de consommation « 

« Lion »

Lion is a film of inspired reality.

At 5, Saroo, the main character, finds himself alone on a train crossing India which takes him in spite of himself to thousands of kilometers of his family.

                                      Saroo at 5

 Lost, the little boy must learn to survive alone in the immense city of Calcutta.


After several months to wander, Saroo is collected in an orphanage and adopted by a couple of Australians.

                               Saroo 25 years later

        25 years later, Saroo became a true Australian, but he still thinks of his family in India. Armed with a few memories and unwavering determination, he began to scan satellite pictures on Google Earth, hoping to recognize his village.

Image associée

But can one imagine finding a simple family in a country of one billion inhabitants?

I love this movie beacause It’s very touching.


Le Cirque de Mafate

« Le Cirque de Mafate »

The Reunion Island has three cirques: « Mafate »« Salazie » and « Cilaos ».

You can go to Mafate  on foot or by helicopter. Mafate has many villages, their names are: « Roche Plate », « Marla » and « La  Nouvelle ». La Nouvelle is the biggest village. Landscapes are very beautiful.

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   « Cirque de Mafate »

Résultats de recherche d'images pour « marla mafate reunion »                   Résultats de recherche d'images pour « roche plate mafate reunion »

                      « Marla »                                                                  « Roche Plate »


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                                                            « La Nouvelle »

When our complex, defects or handicap become a force .

     In the world almost all people suffer from complex, defect or handicap. Some people tend to hide them but I do not think that is the solution. These little things that we do not accept  could they  become a force? Yes, they can become our assets.

Here is the proof:

  • Alexandre Chassagnac : During his childhood Alexander suffered the mockery of his comrades and shut himself up on himself. His complex: his shrill voice.
    Today his work is « lyrical singer »


  • Mimie Mathie :  She suffers from achondroplasia (dwarf). This disease caused her to play roles specifically created for her. 


  • Beethoven :  He was deaf and yet composer.


  • You : Because ,may be, you  don’t like English and yet you read a article

Edgar Allan Poe

Edgar Allan Poe is a poet of the 19th century ,born on January 19th ,1809 in Boston United States , died on october 7th , 1849 in Baltimore .Edgar Allan Poe portrait.jpg

He lived 40 years .He was  a novelist ,a short story writer and a literary critic.

Edgar has  one brother« William Henry Poe »  and one  sister « Rosalie »(Rosalie been born in 1810,she was a mental defective )

Edgar Poe is considered as the inventor of the police novel .His naratives are often close to the science fiction and to the fantasy… He his an american authors so Charles Baudelaire and Stephan Marlammé stanslated his book in french

exemple :« The Sphinx » , « Eureca » , » The Tales Of  The Folio », »The Adventure Of Arthur Gordon Pym »,


nb :I reed « Mortuary Doble Murder In The Street MORGUE « and I loved it so much ! 🙂

In French :« double assassinat dans la rue MORGUE »

I advise you  to read it and « Quatre histoires fantastiques « _ »Four Fantastic Stories » too.

Be careful! you risk to be afraid.

A Spanish dish easy to make.

LA Tortilla Española

Ingredients : (for 4 people)

  • 4 potatoes
  • 4 or 5 eggs
  • 1 onion

Preparation : 

Peel, wash and dry the potatoes. Cut into thin slices and put them in a deep frying pan, with oil, and set 
the fire on low. Add the chopped onion. Slowly mix with potatoes until softened and begin to brown. After about
 10 minutes, drain and set aside. In a bowl, beat the eggs with a little salt.Add the potatoes and onion mixture.
Put the pan again on the fire, with a little oil. Leave on low heat, covering the pan, 5 to 10 minutes, until the
 dough gilds below. Using a lid, turn the omelette over itself, and let it fall on the other side in the pan.
It must be gilded on both sides ! 


I love this because is easy to make and delicious, you need to try !