Edgar Allan Poe

Edgar Allan Poe is a poet of the 19th century ,born on January 19th ,1809 in Boston United States , died on october 7th , 1849 in Baltimore .Edgar Allan Poe portrait.jpg

He lived 40 years .He was  a novelist ,a short story writer and a literary critic.

Edgar has  one brother« William Henry Poe »  and one  sister « Rosalie »(Rosalie been born in 1810,she was a mental defective )

Edgar Poe is considered as the inventor of the police novel .His naratives are often close to the science fiction and to the fantasy… He his an american authors so Charles Baudelaire and Stephan Marlammé stanslated his book in french

exemple :« The Sphinx » , « Eureca » , » The Tales Of  The Folio », »The Adventure Of Arthur Gordon Pym »,


nb :I reed « Mortuary Doble Murder In The Street MORGUE « and I loved it so much ! 🙂

In French :« double assassinat dans la rue MORGUE »

I advise you  to read it and « Quatre histoires fantastiques « _ »Four Fantastic Stories » too.

Be careful! you risk to be afraid.

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