When our complex, defects or handicap become a force .

     In the world almost all people suffer from complex, defect or handicap. Some people tend to hide them but I do not think that is the solution. These little things that we do not accept  could they  become a force? Yes, they can become our assets.

Here is the proof:

  • Alexandre Chassagnac : During his childhood Alexander suffered the mockery of his comrades and shut himself up on himself. His complex: his shrill voice.
    Today his work is « lyrical singer »


  • Mimie Mathie :  She suffers from achondroplasia (dwarf). This disease caused her to play roles specifically created for her. 


  • Beethoven :  He was deaf and yet composer.


  • You : Because ,may be, you  don’t like English and yet you read a article

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