Reunion Island

  • Réunion is a small Island formerly called Bourbon Island. An Island, which is located in the southwest of the Indian Océan, which is part of the archipelago of Macareignes,
  • Many tourists come to visit these mountains like the 3 Cirques, the volcano, the sun, the beaches etc …. The people of Réunion are very genial, generous people, with a very big heart.
  • The Réunionesse are people who love to have party, their traditional music are the maloya and the sega.There is no better than the maloya to be in the mood of the Réunion.
  • To finish this magnificent article on our Island, I will speak to you of the consequences that may have lasted the climbs. These slaves were very mistreated people in relation to their little colour. For that ,they fought to show that they are normal people and that is whythere is less racism on our Island.

Résultats de recherche d'images pour « île de la réunion »

Résultats de recherche d'images pour « île de la réunion gens dansnat le maloya »

Résultats de recherche d'images pour « île de la réunion les esclaves »

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