The rap is a shape of vocal expression , one of the five pillars of the cultural and musical movement hip-hop, having emerged in the middle of 1970 in ghettos in the United States . The rap word is composed of three letters R A P which refer in rythm  and poetry . But the rap word also comes from the English verb to rap which means speaking persuading , jabbering . Many themes are approached on the rap such as : the street ( many  rappers  began the rap being very poor and deprived and now became of very big stars
Rap has allowed a lot to go out of the poverty,Injustice ,  drug , school (Our real-life experience) , love , his person , …
Some rap contain many insults or even bad subjects to the women
The rap does not please to everybody but pleases especially the young people nowadays
example rapper :

Bigflo&oli : rapper french                                                                          booba : rapper french
Résultats de recherche d'images pour « bigflo et oli fond »Résultats de recherche d'images pour « booba »
Résultats de recherche d'images pour « 50cent »


Résultats de recherche d'images pour « snoop dogg »                                                  Snoop dogg : rapper americain

50 cent : rapper americain

But healso exists woman who rappes :

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "sianna rappeuse"
                                                                                      Sianna : rapper french

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