Where is global warming ?

         Global warming is the increase of the average temperature on the surface of the planet is caused by greenhouse effect release by human activity ; Such as the industry or again the pollution.The carbon dioxide (CO2) The main cause of the heating is Among the numerous greenhouse gases that we producer. Since the industrial revolution, it is mainly the use of energies fossiles ;Such as the coal, the oil and the natural gas, which have Caused the broadcast of all this CO2 .                                                                      Résultats de recherche d'images pour « le réchauffement climatique »         

Result of global warming ?

According to scientists  global warming would not stop increasing during his last  years .We are however afraid of a change of climate which would overtake the means of adaptation of People, animals and vegetables and would bring to an increase of the level Seas.The rise of the level of seas will be another caused consequence.
Mainly by ice smelting in the poles; we put then in danger the natural habitats of animals.

Let them live in a freezing climate such as penguins.

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