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Monthly Archives: January 2016

Revise the superlative! (4ème)

Hello 4C! Here is a link for you to revise the superlative: Comparative and Superlative Enjoy! Miss S. 😉

Categories: 4ème | Leave a comment

Revise how to tell the time! (6ème)

Hello 6A! As promised, here is a link for you to revise how to tell the time: Time Enjoy! Miss S. 😉

Categories: 6ème | Leave a comment

Explore popular celebrations ???? ????

Hello everybody! Last week, in turns,  6A students presented their work in class on one specific celebration from the English-speaking world.  Discover the posters they prepared!! Miss S. ????????                             Adel and Mohamed “New Year’s Day” Awa  and Absatou    ” Valentine … Continue reading »

Categories: Général | 2 Comments

Revise the preterite!

Hi, How are you? To help you understand better what the preterite is, click on the links below! What is the preterite? (Lesson + exercise) Regular verbs (lesson + exercise) Work hard!

Categories: 5ème | Leave a comment

Best wishes for 2016 ??????????

Hello students! I wish you a wonderful and happy new year 2016! Best wishes to you and your families ????   Have a look at the London fireworks on New Year’s Eve…. It’s so cool and beautiful ????     Just click below: London fireworks 2016 See you,     Miss Soltani ????????

Categories: Général | Leave a comment