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Monthly Archives: February 2016

´Keep Calm and ….’ ????????

Hello everyone! Why not being creative during your holidays? Visit this website and create a Keep Calm poster ???????? Keep Calm and be creative! Miss S. ???????? Create a Keep Calm Poster!yeaahhh!

Categories: Général | Leave a comment

The Little Weather Presenter …??????????????????

Helloooo Watch a little video of a little weather presenter, filmed with Miss Soltani’s Ipad. Here is the link: Video Betul 6A Enjoy! 😉 Miss S.  

Categories: 6ème, Général | Leave a comment

Discover their celebrities! ????

Hello everybody! Last week, the 5C and 5D classes presented their final project. They had to do research on the celebrity of their choice and present it to the class! To do so, they used their brand new IPADs 😉 Just take a look at some of their work: Oral presentation Maissoun Jasmine 5D Oral … Continue reading »

Categories: 5ème, Général | 8 Comments

Practice the Be + V-ING form ????????

Hey 6A How are you? Here is a link for you to prepare for the test: Be + V-ING form Enjoy! ????????

Categories: 6ème | Leave a comment

Hellooooo students! It’s me….

Have a nice Valentine ´s weekend everybody ???? ????  Listen and sing in English! Miss S. ???????? (dédicace à la 6A…)

Categories: Général | Leave a comment