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Daily Archives: June 28, 2016

Ready to create a TV show?? ????????????????????

Hello students! Here is a fun activity for you just before the summer holidays ?? !! Tomorrow, at Clemenceau school, I am organizing a workshop* with the following objective: to create a TV show for Clemenceau School! ???? To help you find inspiration and create a production with a partner, I’ve found a couple of … Continue reading »

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England leaves Europe and the…EURO ?? …????????

Hello! What a crazy game and unbelievable scenario … Iceland beat England last night! England is out of the EURO… ???????? Roy Hodgson, the England coach, quit!  so… get ready for FRANCE versus ICELAND this coming Sunday ???????????????? ???????? Have a look at the British Press today… they are so cruel???? See you! Miss Soltani ????????????

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