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Monthly Archives: October 2016

Happy holidays everybody!

Hello students, I wish you great holidays! Take time to relax but don’t forget your work as the school year is not finished… Remember to visit my blog when you need to practice your English. See you in November! Miss Soltani

Categories: Général | 2 Comments

October 14th 2016: Battle of Hastings 950th anniversary ????????

Hello students! Do you know that today is a special day? 950 years ago, William of Normandy attacked England and became King. This battle, named the Battle of Hastings, took place on October 14th 1066 and changed the destiny of the English. Check out the links ???? Battle of Hastings (English wiki).       … Continue reading »

Categories: Général | Leave a comment

Can you compare in English? (4C/D)

Hello 4C/D, As I said, here is a link to revise first the physical description and then the comparative:  revision be and have     revision physical description  the comparative See you! Miss Soltani ???????? (si le lien vous amène sur une autre page du blog, continuer à cliquer ????)

Categories: 4ème | Leave a comment

´This is street food and this is Brick Lane ´(3A/B) ???????????????????????????

Hello 3A!  To help you write your imaginary article… this is the video we watched in class: video Brick Lane The objective is ???????? to write a summary (=résumé) of the video by utilizing the elements and the vocabulary (adjectives + essential English) seen in class. You can do it! ???????? See you on Tuesday! Miss … Continue reading »

Categories: 3ème | Leave a comment

Ready to celebrate breakfast? ?????????? (6ème)

Hello 6A, As you know, this week is “La Semaine du Goût”! Yeaaah ????! In class, we are working on breakfast and I am asking you to make an expose ????on breakfast in another country and your breakfast! To give you inspiration for your expose, here is a list of cool websites:  Video Breakfast in the … Continue reading »

Categories: 6ème | Leave a comment

It’s the weekend: Relax ?? and Revise ????! (6ème/4ème/3ème)

Hello students! The temperature will be rather cold this weekend… How about revising your English? I have selected exercises for you! Enjoy! 6A:  Numbers!   Colours!  Breakfast vocab!   Food vocab! 4C/D:   Be!   Have got!  Who, what, where?  Likes/dislikes!  Likes/dislikes (2)   The Simple Present!       Physical Description! 3A/B:    Description   Revisions (Si tu retombes sur une autre page du blog en cliquant, … Continue reading »

Categories: 3ème, 4ème, 6ème, Général | Leave a comment

Ready to recite the tongue twister? (6ème)

Hello 6A! I have just recorded a little video for you to practice the tongue twister we have studied this afternoon. Enjoy!   the sound h Miss Soltani

Categories: 6ème | Leave a comment

Can you describe a picture? (3ème)

Hello 3A and 3B, Explore exercises on how to describe a picture: describe a picture photography vocab   describing pictures   Brick lane photo only (photo studied in class…) See you! Miss Soltani ????????

Categories: 3ème | 2 Comments