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Get ready for your final project! (4ème) ????????????????

Posted by on January 20, 2017

Hello 4C and 4D students,

How are you? I am sure that you are very excited ???? to do well for final project n°2. You know that I will be absent next week so I have prepared something for you…Here is a list of useful links to help you find information ???? and inspiration ????. Just click!????

Explore Let’s move!     More on Let’s move!   

 Important statistics on US obesity       World Obesity map

More vocab on food and obesity!

 (Je vous rappelle au passage… que pour l’évaluation bilan écrite, il est fortement conseillé de réviser tout le chapitre n°2, de refaire les exercices du cahier et ceux proposés sur mon blog ????????)

See you! MISS SOLTANI ????????

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