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Daily Archives: April 28, 2017

20 000 visitors!!! ?????????????????????????????????

Hello everybody! I feel so happy to announce that my blog has received 20 000 visits! When I started it on September 2015, my original objective was to help you students revise, improve* your English and learn** more about the English-speaking world. I also wanted you to ENJOY*** English as much as I do. I love ENGLISH … Continue reading »

Categories: Général | 6 Comments

The Big Challenge is coming! ????????????

Hello students! As you know, the Big Challenge will be on Thursday, May 4th ????????! So, in order to get ready and get a good result, you should practise a lot ????????????! There’s only one week left! Click!  Big Challenge Quiz Corrigé Big Ch. 2015 6ème  Yes, you can! MISS SOLTANI????????

Categories: Général | 6 Comments