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Monthly Archives: December 2019

Year 9 (4ème): A special online menu today…

Hello 403 students! Finally, the last day before the holidays has come!! Enjoy practising English online! Just click! Menu vocab more restaurant vocab! Ordering in a restaurant At the restaurant… British money Enjoy the Christmas holidays! Miss Soltani    

Categories: 4ème, Général | Leave a comment

Year 8 (502): Friday, December 20th…

Hello 502 students! Since it’s your/our last day today… you’ll be working on your English  ONLINE today! Let’s go!  Click and practise grammar! The simple present (1) The simple present (2) The preterite (1) The preterite (2) (start with “was/were” and finish with “Past tense: Wh questions”) Order the words! Happy holidays, Merry Christmas and Happy … Continue reading »

Categories: 5ème, Général | Leave a comment