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Listen to the song again and practice the conditional! ???? (3ème)

Hello 3A and 3B, Here is one exercice on the “if-clauses-:exercice if plus the song we are studying in class: if I were a boy video Enjoy listening to it and correct paragraph 3 (vamp 1) ! See you! Miss Soltani ????????

Categories: 3ème | Leave a comment

What about getting ready for the new school year?????????????

Hi everybody? How are you? Have you enjoyed your holidays so far? Well, knowing that next week is the beginning of a new school year… what about revising your English? Don’t pretend that you know everything for I’m sure that you must have forgotten some on the way… ???????????? . Get ready by clicking on … Continue reading »

Categories: 3ème, 4ème, 5ème, 6ème, Général | Leave a comment

Ready to watch a film about Muhammad Ali?? ???????????? (3ème)

Hello again 3C! I have just seen on the Internet that FRANCE Ô (channel 19) is showing “ALI”, a 2001 film about the life of Muhammad Ali tonight starring Will Smith ????. If you can watch or record it ????, it starts at 8.50 p.m. !! Details Miss S. ????????

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RIP Muhammad Ali ???? (3ème)

Hello 3C, How surprised and sad I was this morning when I heard that Muhammad Ali has died ???? . A strange coincidence knowing that some of you did an oral presention about him and his life this week. A real tribute. Mohamed Ali (French version)        Muhammad Ali (English version) Youtube video Miss … Continue reading »

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Revise your English! ???????? (3ème)

Hello 3C, To prepare for Friday’s test and next week’s exam, here is a list of exercises for you: Ex. 1: Irregular Verbs   Ex. 2: Irregular Verbs  Game 1: Irregular Verbs  Game 2: Irregular Verbs  the 2 preterites      Was,were, did….   There was/were…   Present perfect    Past/pluperfect  Passive voice: lesson + ex.      Conditional   Past conditional    A recap … Continue reading »

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Happy St Patrick’s Day ????????

Hello! Today is a special day: St Patrick’s Day! To find out what this day represents, just click:  English version French version           Miss S. ????

Categories: 3ème, 4ème, 5ème, 6ème, Général | Leave a comment

Refresh your memory: the Comparative and Superlative (3ème)

Hello 3C! Here is a list of websites to refresh your memory on the Comparative and Superlative: 1. The Comparative (4ème)                     2. The Superlative Miss Soltani  ????????

Categories: 3ème | Leave a comment

Why is December 1st 1955 important in American history? ????????

Hello students! Today is a special day because on December 1, 1955, a lady named Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat* on a Montgomery, Alabama bus to a white man. That act of protest and her arrest sparked one of the most famous civil rights actions in American history.  *laisser sa place Discover Rosa … Continue reading »

Categories: 3ème, 4ème, 5ème, 6ème, Général | Leave a comment

Discover Chinese Portraits! ??????????????????????????????????

Le nouveau livre numérique de portraits chinois est arrivé !Partez à la rencontre des élèves de la classe de 3ème C qui ont réalisé sur informatique leurs portraits chinois. Je viens juste de les compiler et de créer un livre en ligne afin de les mettre à l’honneur ! Découvrez-les en cliquant sur le lien !! Ils sont … Continue reading »

Categories: 3ème, 4ème, 5ème, 6ème, Général | Leave a comment

Practise compound adjectives (3ème)

Hello you! I’ve found a couple of exercises for you to practise Compound Adjectives: 1. exercise 1    2. exercise 2        3. exercise 3       4. exercise 4 Miss Soltani ????????????

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