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Revise time! ? (5ème/4ème/3ème)

Hello! Time is one category of the “Teacher Ritual”. To succeed, you need to know how to say the time. So, here are 2 exercises to revise:  1. Digital time      2. Traditional time Enjoy!   Miss S. ????????????

Categories: 3ème, 4ème, 5ème | Leave a comment

Discover the Queen’s Life on TV ! ???? ????????????????

Hi! Tonight, on France 2 at 8.50 p.m. in Un jour,un destin, they are showing a documentary about her Majesty the Queen ???????????? ! Ask your parents to record it or watch the replay* ….   (*demande à tes parents de l’enregistrer ou regarde le plus tard en vidéo à la demande puisque tu seras … Continue reading »

Categories: 3ème, 4ème, 5ème, 6ème, Général | Leave a comment

Revise: What time is it? What is the time? ?

Hello! Back to school! Let’s go! Read this lesson on Time + a little exercise and do the exercices by clicking: traditional time, digital time,  time with a.m./ p.m., write the correct time. Enjoy!    Miss Soltani ????????????

Categories: 3ème, 4ème, 5ème | Leave a comment

A little reminder*: practise “The Big Challenge”!

Hey! The Big Challenge will take place on May 3rd 2016. It’s essential for you to practice the questions asked corresponding to your class (6ème/5ème/4ème/3ème) and level (training/normal/fast). Take advantage** of your holidays to get ready!             Do the quiz! and Play the Yes/No game! (6ème/5ème in particular)        Miss Soltani 🙂 -reminder*= … Continue reading »

Categories: 3ème, 4ème, 5ème, 6ème, Général | Leave a comment

If I were a boy…. (3ème)

Hello! Enjoy singing the lyrics of the song studied in class!                        Have a good weekend! Miss Soltani 😉 [youtube][/youtube]

Categories: 3ème | Leave a comment

Would you like to revise the conditional? Yes, you would!! (3ème)

Hi! In English, there are 3 conditional tenses and in class, we’ve explored the second conditional tense (=If + preterite/ would + verb). Now, to improve your English, read this lesson  and practise the first conditional, then the second conditional and finally the third conditional. Be the best!  Miss Soltani 😉

Categories: 3ème | Leave a comment

Can you talk about yourself? (4ème/3ème)

Practise identity questions and answers!         Miss S. 😉

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Refresh your memory: the preterite (3ème)

Read this lesson on the preterite  and  do the exercises!      Work hard 😉

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Explore New Zealand and holidays! (3ème)

Click to know more about New Zealand!     plus  discover the vocabulary of holidays     plus   holiday or holidays? Try this exercice!   Miss S. 😉  

Categories: 3ème | Leave a comment

Have a look at the school website too!

Hi! Don’t forget to visit the school’s website! You will find interesting work my students did last year 😉 Click here to access your school’s website   Enjoy 🙂

Categories: 3ème, 4ème, 5ème, 6ème | Leave a comment