3èmes : Diplôme National du Brevet 2015

Jeudi 25 juin 2015

– Français = 9h / 12h15

– Mathématiques = 14h30 / 16h30

Vendredi 26 juin 2015

– Histoire/géographie = 9h / 11h

3èmes : Twister : the trailer


MI6 Job opportunity

Have you ever dreamt of becoming a spy and working for the MI6 (together with James 007) ?

Good news ! The MI6 is looking for new spies …..


Just solve this and it will open onto an application form ….



May the Force be with you !

3èmes : Twister – film poster

1ères : Catherine Coleman wishes a Merry Christmas


1ères : NASA job opportunities

Q. What is an astronaut’s salary?
A. Salaries for civilian Astronaut Candidates are based on the Federal Government’s General Schedule pay scale for grades GS-12 through GS-13. Each person’s grade is determined according to his/her academic achievements and experience. Currently, a GS-12 starts at $65,140 per year and a GS-13 can earn up to $100,701 per year.

Military Astronaut Candidates are assigned to the Johnson Space Center and remain in an active duty status for pay, benefits, leave, and other similar military matters.


Source : http://www.nasa.gov/centers/kennedy/about/information/astronaut_faq.html#5




1 ères : Britain’s Got Talent


3 B : Wild Wild West : the film

The film poster

3B : Wild Wild West : soundtrack


A dedication to Mickael Jackson


The Force (to use before a test)


4 B : Apple crumble : Yummy !


We are sinking


Hello everybody !

A weasel coming out from its burrow.


You will find here all the resources I have told you about in class.

Please, follow the White Rabbit … sorry, the links. Use the tools intensely.

Enjoy and have fun !

Follow the White Rabbit : it's Tea Time !

Monday, May 20th was added a new link to several webcams all around Toulouse : enjoy ! (See : What’s the weather like ? In Toulouse)

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