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EM : quelques sites intéressants

à consulter pour garder la forme en anglais tout en apprenant des choses intéressantes dans votre domaine.

European Commission : Renewable energy   http://ec.europa.eu/energy/renewables/index_en.htm
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (US)  http://www.nrel.gov/
Energy Saving Trust http://www.energysavingtrust.org.uk/
US Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy     http://energysavers.gov/renewable_energy/
Appliance Repair http://www.repairclinic.com/RepairHelp/RepairHelp.aspx
Heat Pump Centre http://www.heatpumpcentre.org/
General Electric : Energy Products http://www.gepower.com/prod_serv/products/index.htm
Scientific American (the leading US science magazine) http://www.scientificamerican.com/
New Scientist (the leading UK science magazine) http://www.newscientist.com/

Energy TV http://www.energytv.com/
HomeServe (UK) DIY videos http://www.homeserve.com/videos/all
MIT Technology review videos http://www.technologyreview.com/video/?vid=84
VideoJug Green Energy http://www.videojug.com/tag/green-energy
YouTube Greenpeace (UK) channel http://www.youtube.com/user/GreenpeaceUK
BBC News Science and environment http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/default.stm
How Stuff Works : Everyday science videos http://videos.howstuffworks.com/science/everyday-science-videos.htm + articles

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